Our bodies can only metabolize 30g of protein at a time. How does this information can help you gain muscle mass? You should try to include protein in each meal that you eat. This way you can distribute the amounts of protein during your meal times and see huge results in gaining muscle mass, aka=losing weight and toning up.
Here is an interesting fact: most women get zero to little protein if they aren't intentional with their meals. Many of my clients, for example, skip breakfast or have a little snack (with no protein value) during lunch. This decreases their metabolism and their muscle mass gain. But the good side of it is: small adjustments can be a game changer in achieving your goals.
What are some small adjustments I can make to see real results? Staying consistent with at least three healthy meals a day will give real and long lasting results. Here are some simple but effective ideas:
1.adding eggs to your breakfast.
Many women tend to skip breakfast or eat something small, but they are neglecting the most important by doing so: to eat a healthy meal that will sustain them throughout the day. By eating a healthy carb (like whole grain bread or tapioca pancake) + boiled eggs, for example, you can get your protein intake and avoid being too hungry during the day. Which can help you with not over eating during lunch time or snacking on poor nutrient foods throughout the day.
Tips: if you are not used to eating eggs in the morning, start adding this to your routine gradually. Even adding one egg to your breakfast will increase your protein intake to 7g, which is better than 0g.
Eggs and tapioca pancake: you can eat a healthy carb of your choice+ eggs to ensure you are getting your protein in!
2.switching from regular to protein pasta
Some cultures prevail on mainly rice for starch during meal times. In the United States, however, is very common to have pasta meals for dinner. If you cook pasta dishes often, switching from regular to high protein pasta is a simple change and makes little to no difference in taste. Walmart offers Barilla protein pastas for spaghetti, penne, and other types, containing 10g of protein per portion. Cooking this pasta, plus adding some kind of meat to your dish ensures you get 30g of protein! With a combination of exercising and eating healthy overall can bring you huge results! And it is delicious!
Barilla protein pasta: you can switch from regular to high protein pasta and add 10g of protein to your meal. Barilla protein+ is delicious and can be found at Walmart or Amazon.
3.drinking a protein shake + nuts as a snack
*when you don't have a meal prepared
It is great to meal prep and have the perfect healthy diet! But you might get busy with work or have an off week sometimes. Or you might be the kind of person that is busy regularly and are not able to meal prep for lunch, for example. Not having time is no excuse for you to NOT get your protein intake and achieve all of your goals! The premier protein shake contains 30g of protein and very little calories. A recommended lunch option is the combination of these shakes plus a small portion of nuts. This is a quick easy option to stay healthy and it helps you lose weight due to the low calories of the meal.
Tip: If you have a dairy sensitive stomach, you can drink Fairlife protein shakes instead of premier.
Premier protein shakes + nuts is a great lunch option to get your protein in and stay low in calories. This option is good if you are looking for a quick and easy way to stay on track with your healthy eating.
Fairlife protein shakes: great if you are dairy sensitive
Nuts mix: great and healthy snack to pair with a protein shake!
Since your body only metabolizes 30g of protein at a time, the smartest way to achieve real and long lasting results when tying to lose weight/tone up is to eat at least three consistent and healthy meals with high protein. This will help you distribute your amount of protein intake and increase your metabolism, which will be a game changer on your fitness journey and seeing long lasting results!
Hope this post is helpful for you to make adjustments to your diet! Keep in mind that changing habits is a transition that takes time.
Questions? Contact me!